Category Archives: news

Launch of the BIC in-country Extended Working Groups (EWGs)

Press release: The BIC coordination action was featured in a press release on the European Commission Digital Agenda web site highlighting the establishment and launching of the BIC in-country Extended Working Groups (EWGs). The press release can be found at 2013 During October, 2013, BIC organised two Extended Working Group […]

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STR member: Aneel Rahim publishes two papers: Intrusion Detection

Paper Title:Intrusion Detection System for Wireless Nano Sensor Networks Authors:Aneel Rahim, Paul Malone Conference:The 8th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2013), December 9-12,  2013,  London,  UK Sponsor: IEEE   Paper Title:Implementation of Certified list for Botnet Detection Authors:Aneel Rahim, Khizar Hayat and Tai-hoon Kim Journal: Applied Mathematics […]

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STR team members participate in networking sessions at ICT2013

ICT 2013 : STR (Security & Trust research Unit) team members (Zeta Dooly & Paul Malone) actively led & participated in ICT 2013    networking and demonstration session focused on Engineering a Secure Cyber Space for Europe by 2020 See link for more information ICT 2013: Jim Clarke co-organised and was part of a […]

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IPACSO : Innovation Framework for Security


Innovation Framework for Privacy and Cyber Security Market Opportunities (IPaCSO) will develop a structured knowledge and decision-support innovation framework for identifying, assessing and exploiting market opportunities in the privacy and cyber security technology space. IPaCSO will support security innovators, policy makers and research spectrum stakeholders in identifying, assessing and exploiting new […]

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